Real Estate Media

Our professional photographers are experts in taking photos of residential properties. We will stage spaces, find the right angles, and make the necessary touch-ups to get you the very best shots possible — enticing prospective buyers will be trivial when you choose Chopy Media!


 Pre-Shoot Checklist

In today’s real estate market, nearly all home buyers start their search online. Your property will be on display and needs to look its absolute best! The job will be done properly, by hiring a professional to capture and present your home in a way that will allow it to stand out.

The goal is to keep the potential buyers in mind. You want them to imagine themselves living here, which means making your home as generic as possible in order to appeal to the widest audience. The best way to do this is to remove as many of your personal items as possible and store them in an out of sight place.

Click the button below to download our pre-shoot checklist to ensure your home is ready for the photo shoot!

 Video & Walkthroughs

Looking to bolster your promotional efforts with an introduction to your company? Do you want a virtual walkthrough of a property to be available for house hunters? Chopy Media provides top-notch videography services that are sure to leave you satisfied!


Virtual Staging

Is your property messy? Having trouble taking time out of your busy schedule to manually tidy it up and stage it? Chopy Media can digitally declutter the appearance of your properties and virtually stage it with an appealing, computer-rendered look of your choice!



Using the powerful Matterport software, we can capture high-resolution, 3D recreations of the space you want to show off! Remote buyers need not be discouraged — with our reconstructions, clients can view the layout of the property, explore rooms, and even take precise measurements for interior decorating purposes, all from the comfort of their home office.

Floor Plans

It's important to have precise documentation of a property’s layout, but creating a floorplan can be a time-consuming and confusing process. Chopy Media is up to the challenge — we’ll draw up a detailed floorplan of the property, saving you time and ensuring that prospective buyers fully understand the space.